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Black Diamond


Black Diamond Humic Amino Shiny Balls contain Humic Acid-50 %, Amino Acid-10 % in organic matter, Organic Potash & Phosphorus – 1 % each And organic Nitrogen – 12%. Humic acid prill is very good for soil application for germination of seeds and plant growth promoter. Prills are very slow dissolve in water so plant can extract its elements in long time.

Being a leader in the industry, we are engaged in offering a qualitative range of Humic Amino Shiny Ball to our clients.

physiological and biochemical functions of the plants are increased. In favor of stomatal opening activity, it directly participates in photosynthesis.

Clear improvement in white root development, vegetative growth, flower induction, fruit set seeds and fruit induction. Keeps up a quality of fruits and vegetables by helping in the development rate of maturity, yield and luster. Environmental stresses such as an attack of diseases are countered by providing plants with endurance.

(ब्लेक डायमंड )ह्यूमिक अमीनो ग्रेन्योल 6 से 7 दिनो तक धीरे धीरे जमीन में घुलता रहता है और पौधो की जड़ो को फेलने में विशेष रूप से मदद करता हे जिसके परिणामस्वरूप जनीन में मोजूद पोषक तत्वो को आसानी से जड़ो के माध्यम से पौधो के विभिन्न हिस्सो में पहुंचाने में मदद मिलती है और फसल मे विशेष अधिव्रधी मिलती है।


-100% Organic Bio-degradable.

-Slow release of the nutrients which promote the maximum availability during the growth.

-The nutrients are available gradually over time.

-Helps to make roots active Work with the natural plant growth processes.

-Can be used with other fertilizers like urea, DAP etc.

-Combination of NPK, Humic, Amino Acid, Sulphur, Other Micro elements like Zn,Fe, Mn, Bo.

-Granules act as soil conditioners and maintain the moisture in the soil for a longer period of time is Eco-Friendly.


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